
I wonder.....

I wonder if someday she'll realize that...

getting her to tickle her teeth every morning and night regardless of the fight she gives me;
teaching her to share her toys even though she doesn't want to;
introducing new vegetables to her meal if she would rather have only strawberries;
making sure she asks nicely with 'please' and 'thank you' and not having a whiney, grumpy voice;
wiping her face clean after a messy dinner;
putting her shoes on her feet in order to go play outside no matter how eager she is to just get out the door;
saying 'hi' to others whenever they say 'hi' to you even though you'd rather hide your face and not say a word;

...has created the person that she is TODAY & TOMORROW.

Being a mom isn't easy & doesn't pay well, but, man, it's wonderful seeing how she's growing and learning and becoming such a wonderful little lady. Making sure to introduce her to new adventures, expand her vocabulary to it's fullest and finding out new things that get her to giggle til she gasps is what being a MOM is all about. 

Celebrating Mother's Day isn't just about going out to dinner at that ONE special restaurant or opening an expensive "#1 Mom" necklace. It's being able to celebrate what your hard work has accomplished each day... and appreciating every second you have with your child. 

I'm able to be the Mom that I am today because my Mom taught me how to love, teach, and be open-minded. Being patient, as good as I can be, and realizing that somethings take time but in the end it's ALL worth the wait. I'm excited for the day in the far away future that I'm able to see MY daughter be a MOM and teach her child all the wonderful attributes I've taught her.

Londyn Beckett, you make my heart smile...more and more every day. After ALL the whining and throwing fits and crying and hollering (& poopy diapers)... at the end of the day when I rock you to sleep and kiss you good night..... I can't wait for the morning to arrive to start all the whining and throwing fits and crying and hollering all over again! ....(but hold off on the poopy diapers) 

Being a Mom is about LOVE. not about STUFF. To all you mommies in the world, I wish you the happiest Mother's Day TODAY and EVERYDAY! Keep up the good work of LOVING your little ones and teaching them new, wonderful things everyday! They'll only allow you to teach them (or tell them what to do) for a short time... they'll be grown ups before we know it!